
I don't even know anymore

So FE:A is slowly taking over my life. Again. (I say that like it's a bad thing or something, haha.)

So my usual daily wool-gathering got me stuck on the idea of Chrom having a ponytail after the hot mess that is Gangrel because who has time to get a hair trim, eh? Eh? I thought it would probably look cute on the royal dude with all his hair floof so I had to draw it out and see how it would seem.

tl;dr: I think too long about these things.

As for the drawing aspect, I am still side-eyeing that muscular arm in anatomical suspicion, but too tired to really care much about checking it with some muscle guides or something. I'm unsurprisingly a little burnt out from finishing each piece so far this week in one day, so now I guess I'm going to go on some longer term projects.

Hint: it's a fan comic (oh god, what is my life now).

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