I decided to submit a demon to Ava's Demon Design Your Demon contest on tumblr. I didn't get to have much time to figure out thumbnails on how I wanted my demon to look, so I just worked from the list of features I had in my head that I knew I wanted to draw and went from there. I'm still surprised it came out as well as it did and I enjoyed coloring this a lot. I'm especially proud of how the hair and the cracks on the dress came out. I originally attempted to have the demon's irises glowing through the thin skin of her closed eyelids, but that was a lot harder to translate into drawing than expected so I simply just made them all normal eyelids with one opened.
But yeah, a description to this demon lady was welcomed for the contest so I'll just retype what I wrote before about her:
"This demoness, while not malicious, has a tendency to see her past and future in rose-colored lens without being aware that neither times are ever perfect (thus the cracks in her otherwise fluffy, elegant form). She always laments that there were/will be better times and is never satisfied with the present enough to be truly happy. She is rather charming and courteous, but that unfortunately only makes it easier to sway her pactmaker into doubting all her choices with insidious criticisms and passive-aggression.
Her name is Melin Mirala, the name adapted from Melinoë (nymph who was known for bringing nightmares and misfortune) and mirage in Mirala for her delusions. Her element would be wind/air, I suppose.
So yeah, she's cheerful, ain't she?"
A friend of mine called her a "blushing bride." She also had sense of unease from all the reddish shards Melin had for limbs and horns. Haha, that was exactly the sort of feeling I was trying for so I'm happy I got it.
Check out the rest of the entries here! They're all so great! (*flaps hands excitedly*)
EDIT: Melin won honorable mention along with other lovely honorable mentions! Woo!
The image above was pretty fun to do. They're all the OCs I made years ago (like middle school years ago) and I had frankly forgotten how they all looked like. So I decided to redraw them from what I little remembered, realized that I remembered absolutely nothing, cheated by looking up old drawings, and redrew them. Haha, so I guess my experimentation was half-shoddy.
Still, I had fun trying to draw my characters as different as possible with the skills I have now and I'm not too displeased by how I did. I tried to implement their personalities in their characteristics and some were more successful than others.
And finally, COMIC! ABOUT POKÉMON! (I'm a very rude person in video games in general, though; spinning around in circles during cutscenes in Assassin's Creed anyone?)